10 Habits of Successful people


Everyone measures success in different ways, the executive with the flashy house, car and holidays might ooze success but inside he might be deeply unhappy. The smiling wife and mother who offers support and is always there to pick up the children might be yearning for the cut and thrust of the boardroom.

You and only you can decide how you measure success and it is seldom achieved through material things but what is clear is that certain habits appear to be consistent with all successful people.

1.They live life to the full but know when to take a break.

2.They are passionate about life, work and play.

3.They are positive at all times, surround themselves with positive people and are a positive force for others.

4.They have high self-respect, self-esteem and self-confidence, letting go of doubt and negativity and never looking back.

5.They are focused and consistent, put in the effort, the hours and work outside their comfort zones.

6.They are knowledgeable about their work, company and wider community or industry.

7.They are proactive, take risks, accept and learn from their mistakes and always look to learn and grow.

8.They set goals and strive to achieve them.

9.They have a clear vision of where they want to be, what they want to achieve and why.

10.They enjoy the journey as much as the destination.