The Body Shop Tea Tree Anti-Imperfection Night Mask!
I was asking Fiona today about any new skincare products she has tried recently as I am always looking for recommendations.
Having sensitive and combination skin Fiona was saying that she had never tried a night mask before but happened to be in the Body Shop on Black Friday and the tea tree anti-imperfection night mask caught her eye.
Initially Fiona noticed the very strong scent of tea tree but was more intrigued with the strange jelly texture the product has. She was showing me the mask in the office, it had an almost ‘memory’ gel effect in which once some of the product is used the mask moves back to its original form and looks new again.
The packaging feels luxury with a heavy green glass jar, this mask looks expensive sitting on your vanity or in the bathroom and its only £12!
I asked Fiona about the first time she used the product, she said the ‘smell was very strong, and the product was sticky, my hair was getting stuck in the mask so I had to tie it back, however it does dry down and doesn’t make my face tight so there is no uncomfortable feeling’ in fact Fiona said the mask is so comfortable to wear she ‘forgot she had it on’. The Smell of tea tree is strong but not over powering, she says ‘isn’t too strong and it doesn’t burn eyes.’
She went on to say the mask turns clear when applied with only hint of green and doesn’t transfer onto her pillow when she sleeps in it, in the morning she washes it off with warm water and her facewash.
Fiona says she has noticed a noticeable difference in the texture of her skin since using this product ‘my skin feels and looks smoother after only using it a few times!’
She says the mask is ‘easy to use just put it on to go to sleep and forget about it.’
Fiona would recommend the product to a friend and will be buying the mask again, although she still has a full pot!