Interview Tasks: A Win-Win Guide for Employers and Candidates

Setting a task as part of the interview process is designed to assess a candidate’s skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit within the organisation.

As seasoned beauty industry recruiters, we’ve handled a range of issues with interview tasks, from employers who ask candidates to do a significant project free of charge, to candidates who refuse a task point blank, feeling their experience speaks for itself.

We ran a snap poll on LinkedIn and found that 58% of people would invest up to 2 hours, and a further 26% would stretch to 2-4 hours. But only 16% would commit more than 4 hours – an important insight for task designers.

The stakes are high: Research indicates that nearly 30% of candidates abandon the hiring process if they perceive the task to be overly time-consuming or irrelevant.

The truth is, interview tasks are a critical part of the recruitment process – when done right, they benefit both employers and candidates. They allow employers to really assess an applicant’s skills and fit, while giving candidates a chance to shine. The key is in striking the right balance.

From the employer’s perspective, it’s crucial that interview tasks are:

  • Directly relevant to the role. The task should mirror the actual responsibilities of the job, not just generic skills.
  • Transparent about time commitment. Be upfront about how long you expect candidates to spend preparing the task, and allow them ample time. If you want to move quickly, set a task that recognises that. Many candidates, especially the most in-demand, will be in several interview processes at the same time.
  • A reasonable length. For most roles, a 10-15 minute presentation or exercise is sufficient as part of an interview.
  • Set a fair format. If the candidate won’t be making presentations, ask them to prepare a document and talk you through it, rather than making a formal presentation.

Be open to comments or suggestions, as this can be a sign you should rethink your approach or reset the task. A good recruiter will help to navigate this on your behalf.

For candidates, we advise embracing an interview task as an opportunity, not an obstacle. See it as a chance to showcase your skills and fit for the role.

Take confidence from the fact that you’ve got to this stage. Employers are busy, and only the best candidates will be asked to do a task.

It’s advisable to prepare carefully for tasks and presentations, in the same way you prepare for the interview.

Here are our top tips:

  • Understand the purpose. The task is designed to assess your abilities, so read it very carefully and approach it strategically.
  • Seek clarification if needed. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to fully grasp the requirements and time commitment. A recruiter who specialises in the beauty industry will have the knowledge to support you, and the diplomatic skills to handle any sensitive questions with the employer.
  • Manage your time. Allocate sufficient time to research, prepare, and practice – out loud! When you say your words out loud, you will hear how they sound to others, and spot areas you can improve. Preparing thoroughly will give you confidence in the interview, making you appear well prepared and professional.
  • Stay relevant. Tailor your response to demonstrate the skills needed for the role, and highlight your strengths. Quality over quantity
  • Be authentic. Let your personality shine through – don’t just recite information.
  • Finish strong. Don’t just tail off but wrap up with a clear conclusion. Better still, say what actions you would take if the job were yours.

The beauty of a well-designed interview task is that it benefits everyone. Employers get a robust assessment of candidates, while applicants have a chance to prove their worth. It’s all about finding that sweet spot of relevance, transparency, and respect on both sides.

So whether you’re crafting interview tasks or preparing to tackle them, keep these principles in mind. With a little care and consideration, you can create a recruitment process that works for everyone.

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Arthur Edward is a leading beauty, personal care & FMCG recruitment agency. We find top talent along the product lifecycle to innovate, launch and market bestselling cosmetic and beauty products.

If you’re looking for a job or looking for staff in the industry, we can help you find your perfect match. Contact us today!